
Dave and the Drag Queens

Dave and the Drag Queens
Bread - The Staff of Life

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Hello! And Peace!

 My sincerest apologies for the ridiculous sabbatical. I would love to communicate a valid reason to have lost track of what is important due to some other stuff that may be considered more important. You know - something romantic like Federal Prison. Perhaps receiving a government grant to study the husbandry of an endangered Tibetan Yak Species. I could be like - “Hey! Sorry I haven’t written; I have been living in a yurt with a dude named Namgyal”. Nothing like that. Just working, loving my family, cooking for the people, traveling, eating well and trying to be grateful for everything we have. There is much to tell. 

To the followers- Thanks and please share my blog with those whom you think may enjoy it. There is never a better time to share then the present. If I strike a chord and you wanna say something, please add a comment. Today was an awesome day and I felt the need to post this PSA before the sun came up. Oh and eat a little crow.

Cause the larger ones are pretty tough. So please stay tuned.  

0402 Dave

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